Select Mailing List

Purchase Mail list

Select to Only Purchase Address List

Purchase Mail list

Product Additional Information

Size :
5.75 x 8.75
Card Name :

Product Additional Information

5.75 x 8.75
Please Enter Mailing Quantity Between 250 and 30000

Select the length of time that you would like the number to be active. $29.99 per number for each three month period. Terms of Use: $29.99 (3 months includes 50 min/month). Additional minutes billed separately at $.059/minute. By selecting this option, you agree to have additional minutes automatically billed to you.

Remove current customers, Do Not Mail requests or other lists of recipients that are to be removed from your final mailing file.

Email with your suppression files in an excel or other list format along with instructions. Enter your Job Number (provided at check out) into the subject line of your email.

Note that complex suppressions may be additional.

Enter the number that the 800 Call tracking number will forward to (generally your business number). Customer Service will contact you if you have more than one Ring To number.

If you wish to have your mailing list split into several smaller mailings, select the number of mail drops from the drop down menu (e.g., your list is 9,000 records but you wish to break it up into 6 drops of 1,500 records each).

NOTE: if you select more than one mail drop, each mailing must be a minimum of 250 records if Standard Class and 500 records if First Class Mail.

If you wish to mail the entire list multiple times, check out your order WITHOUT selecting this option. Email with your request. Customer Service will contact you with the least expensive option for doing this.


Price not available for now, will soon be updated.

